Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Grounding to Mother Earth

I had the opportunity last night to spend time with my energy practioner.  Her name is Lisa Lewis and she is a certified energy practioner who practices in the Mt. Washington and Altadena areas.  We were discussing the topic of grounding and how important this is.  I have this challenge that sometimes I loose my balance and fall, which agrevates my back and knee injuries and can be an embarassing situation.  I would make a terrible waitress these days.  LOL  Anyhow I am focusing on balacing in my physical therapy as well and the two together I hope will help me with this challenge.  I never quite understand how I fall when I do and I'm learning how to be more conscious about my center of gravity and I work on strengthening the muscles in my body to be able to handle and wobbles life brings my ways.  I fortunately am having success and my PT work is measuring the successes! 

Grounding in meditation is really good to do and this is what I focus on with Lisa.  I focus on grounding to Mother Earth through my feet and up to the core of my body.  I am going to do this each morning before I fly out of bed to let the dogs out, feed them and cats and start the coffee.  This is truely a life shift in focus for me.  I've always been the one to take care of others and now I need to focus on taking care of myself first - as I wake up each morning and before my feet hit the floor.  I have to admit this is one of my biggest challenges.  One of the things we spoke about last night is how the past couple of years threw me off balance and that I need to regain the hold I have in life.  To let go would be a bad thing for me. 

For today I also have to learn to keep my handbag up off the floor as Princess Kate has discovered it as her new fishing hole.  When I call her on it she talks back to me.  I explained that this was not a conversation but an order.  You may think I'm nuts but I do have conversations with my animals.  And yes, I do believe the understand a fair amount of what I say. 

I focus each day on letting the light and love of Christ melt the cancer within my body away.  You see, cancer cells do not like heat, and I can be one hot woman when I shift my focus!

With all my love,


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